Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bittersweet Asparagus: Our Microfarm is Now For Sale

Today, I found the first asparagus spears of the season. It was such a bittersweet moment, as I was showing the garden to prospective buyers.

Yup. We're selling the microfarm and moving back to Cambridge. It was a wonderful and highly rewarding experiment, and I'm not convinced we'll eat all of last summer's tomatoes and raspberries before we move, but our lives have changed in some interesting and equally exciting ways.

First, I wrote a novel. I didn't mean to, really! But it kinda fell on my head, and I wrote it, and pitched it, and queried it, and sold it, and it's on Kickstarter right now (under my pen name, Dianna Sanchez) and will be available in stores in September. But a funny thing happened: the novel ate my brain. I'm usually very good at multitasking, but the more I worked on the novel, the less brain I had to keep track of anything else. I spent less and less time in the garden. At this point, the microfarm is too large for me to keep up with while also writing.

Second, my elder daughter is aging out of her Montessori school, the main reason we moved out to Beverly in the first place. And in the time since we moved, Cambridge has developed a promising Advanced Learning program. We're particularly interested in the high school. We also think CPS will be really good for our younger daughter.

And Third, we miss Cambridge. I miss being able to walk places. Alex's commute to work near Harvard Square is kinda awful, and it's harder for me to find tech writing work out here.

I'm looking forward to participating in community gardens in Cambridge and weeding with friends. But it's time to pass High Ground Microfarm on to someone with more time and mental space to devote to it.

If you or someone you know is interested in owning High Ground Microfarm (and this blog), please feel free to give us a call at 978-927-1969.

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